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rain Launch Trailer September 30, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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The next major downloadable title for the Playstation 3, rain, is expected to launch tomorrow.  Since it was first announced, the concept behind rain has fascinated me.  I don’t know if it is the art style, choice of music, or gameplay but there is just something about rain that separates it from all the other games that have been coming out recently.  To celebrate its imminent release, here’s the game’s official launch trailer.

rain is coming October 1st, 2013 exclusive to the Playstation 3 through the Playstation Network Store

BEYOND: Two Souls TV Spot September 30, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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It looks like with just eight days to go before the release of the latest game from Quantic Dream, Sony has been ramping up the hype machine for the PS3-exclusive game BEYOND: Two Souls.  Starring actress Ellen Page, the game revolves around the character of Jodie, who has spent her entire life in the company of a supernatural best friend named Aiden.  I had the pleasure of previewing this game at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, and I have been waiting patiently for this game’s release since it was announced at last year’s Sony E3 Press Conference.  In fact, I saw huge displays going up for the game at my local Best Buy just last week.

If you happened to catch a football game this Sunday on Fox, you may have seen this TV spot for the game.  For those of you who may have missed it, here is the entire 60-second TV spot.

That’s not all.  By preordering the game at GameStop, you can become eligible for a free upgrade to the BEYOND: Two Souls Special Edition, which will include special behind the scenes videos and an exclusive playable scene.  This new trailer includes all the details.

BEYOND: Two Souls will be out on October 8th, 2013 exclusive to the Playstation 3.

The Last of Us Alternate Ending September 29, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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At PAX Prime this year, Naughty Dog showcased some never before seen footage from the ending of their PS3-exclusive hit The Last of Us.  Originally, they had a slightly different ending written than what was used in the game, and it even went as far as to be voice and motion captured.  Take a look at it for yourself and see if they should have kept it in.

Just be aware, there are spoilers in this video.  It is best to finish The Last of Us before watching.

The Last of Us is out now exclusive to the Playstation 3.

Games You Should Play With Your Significant Other September 28, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Editorials.
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Let’s face it, there are going to be a lot of people who visit this site who have significant others who do not share their interests in gaming like they do and would like to change that.  On Thursday, I posted up an article where I detailed ten games that probably would not help them in that endeavor, or at least shouldn’t be the first games they should play with their significant others.

To further help you out, here are ten games that I would recommend playing with your significant other.  These games were chosen because they are just fun games to play that exemplify some of the best aspects of the medium and should not provoke any relationship arguments.  Now a lot of these games can be played in two-player, but some of these games are single-player only.  Please don’t worry too much about that, their single-player campaigns can be just as fun to watch as they are to play, and at the very least, you can always change who’s playing at regular intervals.

1. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune – PS3 players can find a lot to enjoy in this entire exclusive series.  Each game has a great story, fun gameplay, and incredible exotic locations to explore.  Whether you decide to play the game or just watch your partner play it, you’ll have fun together, and it always helps to have a second mind to help figuring out some of the puzzles.   In fact, wasn’t there a Kevin Butler commercial about this for Uncharted 2?

2. Nintendo LandNintendo Land is a great game for couples to play.  Imagine a theme park where each section focuses specifically on each of Nintendo’s popular franchises and imagine visiting it with your partner.  You’ll get the chance to work together or against each other in a wide array of different minigames that are inspired by many of Nintendo’s properties including Metroid, Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, and more.  It’s a lot of fun to play these games together, and just be aware that even if you are playing against each other, the game will save the coins you earn playing to help you unlock more decorations for the park.  So even if you are playing against each other, you’re still helping each other towards a common goal.

3. Pokémon – Even from its humble beginnings, Pokémon is the definitive two-player portable game.  With two games being released for each iteration, Nintendo has made it clear that you need to travel through both of them in order to capture all the Pokémon and become the very best like no one ever was.  Imagine each of you playing through one of a generation’s games at the same time as your partner is playing through the other.  The Pokémon world is bright, colorful, and there’s a lot to explore.  You can share tips on how to get through different areas, give each other advice on how to best battle the various gym leaders, but best of all you can link up at the various Pokémon Centers and trade your Pokémon, expanding your experience and building your Pokédex.  Get your partner a Nintendo 2DS or 3DS and a copy of one of these games.  With two trainers working together, it is possible to truly catch ’em all!

4. Halo 4Halo has always been the definitive party game since the first game launched with the original Xbox but the Xbox 360 exclusive Halo 4 cranked cooperative play up to eleven.  On the one hand, you will be able to play an engrossing single-player story together on the same Xbox 360, as you try to save the life of the partner you’ve had since the very first Halo game.  Or if that is not your cup of tea, you can play through a lengthy ten-part campaign (each with five levels) which will set the scene for the story of Halo 5.  This is the perfect game for couples to play.  Oh and the best part is, unless you’re playing with the Iron Skull enabled, if your partner dies, they can always have the opportunity to respawn without much of a penalty.

5. Alan Wake – This PC and Xbox 360 exclusive is a game about a regular guy trying to save his significant other from supernatural forces, a perfect subject matter for couples.  The story, music and gameplay are so much fun to either play or watch your partner play.  The worst thing that could end up happening over this game is the argument you may have over who gets to play next.  In fact, the setting is so incredibly atmospheric don’t blame me if someone wants to go on a vacation to the Pacific Northwest after finishing the game.

6. Dance Central – Who needs prom?  People like to dance and there’s nothing wrong with that, and this game will give you an excuse to dance with your significant other, and who wouldn’t want that?  Whether you decide to trade-off dancing the lead, or be your significant other’s backup dancer, you can learn new dance moves together while listing to some fun party songs.

7. Kinect Adventures – If you have a Kinect for your Xbox 360 you already have this game. In Kinect Adventures, you need to accomplish a series of fun mini-games using your entire body, so it is a great exercise tool for both of you.  As for why it would be so great to bring your partner in it with you, two people can accomplish a lot more in this game than one, and your scores will reflect that.  Just be aware, the game will randomly snap some pictures of you two having fun and will show them to you at the end of each level.

8. Journey – Many people have considered this 2012’s Game of the Year, and while I don’t agree with that sentiment, I do see exactly where they’re coming from.  The game is beautiful, the music is amazing, and the world laid out in front of you just begs to be explored. thatgamecompany produced the perfect game to play with someone who has never played a game before.  You can’t die, there’s no penalty for exploring the game’s world or trying different things to solve the game’s puzzles.  The best part is that you never know when you’ll find help.  Random players online phase in and out of the game’s world.  You can either choose to work together or leave them behind.  The mountain’s peak calls.

9. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX – Lets face it, we’ve all grown up watching a lot of Disney’s classic films, and this game series has been the culmination of all of them. This is a game series that takes some of Disney’s biggest franchises and most popular characters and puts you right in the middle of their worlds, and the characters in them look, act and sound exactly as you remember them.  A great game to play for the nostalgic.  While the games are single-player only, Kingdom Hearts: 365/2 Days is a fully remastered HD cinematic game, so it makes for a nice excuse to sit down on the couch together, pop some popcorn and just watch the story unfold.

10. Minecraft – The goal of this game is to build structures in an artistically pixelated world fighting off zombies, spiders and other creepers but in reality this game is really just a goldmine for your creative side.  You can link with friends, check out their work, or create an entire world of your own.  How much fun would it be to build an entire world from scratch and then have your partner explore it with you?

So there you have it, ten games that would work great to introduce to your significant other, even if they aren’t a gamer.  Special thanks to Princess Angel for helping me out with this!

Games You Shouldn’t Play With Your Significant Other September 26, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Editorials.
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This article is herby dedicated to help out all of the gamers out there in relationships.  While there are couples out there that choose to share their gaming hobby with each other, many of you may not and wish to change that.  I encourage you to share your gaming interests with your significant other as I think that communication is important in any relationship, but it may be difficult to find the perfect game to start off with.  That’s where I come in.

What you are about to read is a list of games which may be a bad choice to play with your significant other first.  I drew up this list based around two major factors,  First off, some of these games may leave a bad first impression for the gaming uninitiated, and the best thing you want to do is start off with something fun that both of you can enjoy.  The other issue is that some of these games, either through their themes or design, may trigger discussions in your relationship that you may not be willing to have just yet, and the last thing you want to do is have a possible relationship-ending argument over a video game.

1. Catherine – This game has been described by many to be the prototypical relationship sim, and it has a great story that tailors its ending to the choices you make throughout it.  However, lets face it the entire story of the game revolves around infidelity and the life decisions that people make, whether to settle down with the person they are with or to move on.  Kind of like bringing a date to a wedding, this may provoke conversations that you’re not yet ready to have, or could offend your partner.  However, if your partner is also a gamer, the questions that the game asks are a great way to get to know your significant other better.  Best to save this one for later on down the road.

2. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories – This game is designed to create a psychological profile on the player as they play in order to provide them with the most disturbing experience to them.  It does this by asking you personal questions or accomplish similar tasks as to what you would be given in a psychologist’s office.  While it has an interesting story with gameplay quite unlike what had previously been seen in a Silent Hill game, some of the questions that the game makes you answer may be questions that you are uncomfortable answering in front of someone you are romantically linked with.

3. Heavy Rain – I know that a lot of people have chosen this game to be the one they play first with their significant others as I have seen several Let’s Plays online for this game done by couples, or at the very least a much higher percentage of couples have done a Let’s Play for this game than I have seen for other games.  Needless to say, while I stress that this is a very good game to play if you’ve never played a game before, this may not be the right game for a couple to play as its subject matter deals with things that no couple wants to go through.  Over the course of this game, a son is killed in a horrible accident, which tears a family apart, and another son is kidnapped by a serial killer who you need to rescue.  How you choose to play this game is up to you, but just be aware you could disagree on how to play out several different scenes, and you may not like the decisions that your significant other made during a scene.  No matter what, there’s no game over, the game will continue and your decisions will stay throughout the rest of the game.

4. Duke Nukem Forever – I know this game did make my Top 10 Romantic Video Games list a few months ago, as I personally enjoyed it quite a bit but honestly, I’m pretty certain there were guys who may have ended up single over this game.  The biggest concern I have here is it has the chance of leaving a bad impression with the gaming uninitiated.  I personally can imagine many scenes in this game, ranging from Duke’s reaction to finding the Holsom Twins to Duke Nukem’s Titty City level as being a buzzkill to a romantic setting.  Not all games are like this anymore.

5. Any Fighting Game – This goes for any Mortal Kombat, Street FighterKiller Instinct, or Soul Caliber game.  While it may seem like a 2-player fighting game would be a perfect fit to play with your girlfriend, it in reality is a lose-lose situation.  On the one hand, your girlfriend may be inexperienced in fighting games, and you could be stuck with the dilemma of either losing on purpose to spare their feelings (and trust me, some people don’t like when you let them win on purpose), or defeat them and run the risk of them not enjoying the game, and not wanting to play ever again.  Your best bet is to let your partner learn the game’s mechanics fighting against the CPU first, and then challenge them once they’re comfortable with the game’s controls.  Once that happens, may the best player win.

6. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Okay, I know you’re probably asking why Vice City made the list and not any of the other Grand Theft Auto games, they all have violence, guns, foul language, drug references and prostitutes.  Two words, Dennis Hopper.  You’re probably not going to want to make a date completing the porn studio’s missions, they’ve got some really filthy writing.  Sure the dialog is hilarious, but it may just offend your significant other.  It’s best to wait on this one, and discover through other means more about your partner’s sense of humor before playing this together.

7. Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh – This late-90s adventure game can get scary at times but more importantly it deals with some pretty dark themes like sex, infidelity and sadomasochism, things that shouldn’t be brought up lightly in a relationship.  If you are a huge fan of this game and you simply must play it with your significant other, I recommend doing what I did and just watching Spoony’s Let’s Play of it together.  It’s really funny and if your partner really likes it, then you can give the game a spin.

8. Metroid: Other M – While I personally enjoyed this game, I know that there were a lot of people who disliked how protagonist Samus Aran was depicted and you probably don’t want to be playing this game with someone who discovers they agree with that sentiment.  Players commented that she acted far too weak, a complete 180 from her depiction in previous Metroid games, like sidescrollers or the Metroid Prime series.  If you want to play a Metroid game with your partner, you’re better off sticking with them.

9. God of War Collection – This includes the first two God of War games remastered for the Playstation 3.  The main character of God of War, Kratos, is a character that sits upon every possible extreme.  He kills or has sex with whatever is in his way.  Many could consider him a deeply troubled individual, and others could simply consider him the ultimate bad-ass to aspire to.  This is not the kind of argument you want to have with your significant other.

10. Enslaved – This is a great game made by Ninja Theory which features fantastic graphics and decent gameplay.  The whole game revolves around the story of Trip. who is an incredibly intelligent hacker and Monkey, who is a big beefy brute.  In order to survive, Trip fits a slave headband onto Monkey’s head and orders him to do her bidding so they can both survive their way through a post-apocalyptic world.  Your significant other may find this offensive, specifically how it could possibly pertain to gender roles.  Now, I’ve intentionally avoided talking about gender roles in this article because not every relationship includes a man and a woman, but regardless you probably don’t want to provoke a discussion that has existed since the beginning of time just to realize you disagree over it.

So that is just ten of my picks on games you probably shouldn’t play with your significant other, specifically non-gaming significant others.  However, as your relationship grows with time, you may decide that you want to play these games, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  Next time, we’re going to be talking about some games that would work great to play with your significant other.  Stay tuned.

The Video Game Handheld War Part 8 September 25, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Histories, Video Game Handheld War.
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As we enter this eighth part of our History of the Video Game Handheld War, we’re going to continue our discussion of the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS generation.  The reason why I’ve chosen to break this particular generation into so many different parts of this ongoing series is because unlike most of the previous generations before it, a lot of events transpired during this past generation.  New hardware was getting released regularly, and the popular franchises that were coming over to the platforms were big events.  Each side constantly tried to one-up the other, but as we enter this latest part, the Nintendo DS was still far ahead of the Sony Playstation Portable.

The year was 2007 and Sony had just shipped a brand new model of the Playstation Portable, the PSP-2000, but many just simply dubbed it the PSP Slim.  By all intents and purposes it was an improvement over the original PSP, and immediately after launch, gaming journalists discovered that the games played on the PSP Slim enjoyed much shorter load times.  However, the PSP Slim was not without its problems as some players would find issues with the Slim’s LCD screen, and complaints of image ghosting started to spread.  However, the PSP Slim’s TV-out feature, which was compatible with both SD and HDTVs, made the ghosting issue a bit of moot point.

At around the end of 2007, Sony released their final first-party title for the Playstation 2, God of War II.  The game was the sequel to one of the PS2’s most critically acclaimed games, and it became one of the highest anticipated releases of the year, and one of the best selling on the PS2 that season.  While the game ended with a cliffhanger, the game’s manual hinted at the possible future of the series.  Gamers saw there was an advertisement for the next God of War game which made it clear that the series would be coming to the Playstation Portable.

Once again, just like with Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, instead of jumping in excitement that one of Playstation’s most iconic franchises was getting a new title released on a portable platform, gamers complained like crazy that it wasn’t coming to a platform they already owned, like the Playstation 2.  However, when God of War: Chains of Olympus finally launched on the Playstation Portable, it got a huge critical response and many critics remarked just how well God of War’s core gameplay was able to be brought over to the Playstation Portable.  While it did not resolve the cliffhanger left at the end of God of War II, it served as an exciting prequel story which further fleshed out God of War’s characters, and had a pretty exciting ending to boot.  Players who picked it up were not disappointed, and the game became a hot seller.

In 2008, Nintendo decided that the time was right for a new DS revision.  The early buzz was that Nintendo was going to release a larger DS Lite model, but Nintendo chose to go a different route.  Once again, Nintendo was releasing a smaller and lighter model DS which would have slightly larger dual screens, but that wasn’t all.  This new model DS would also feature a dual camera system, giving players the chance to take digital pictures or to use the cameras during gameplay, and because of that, the new handheld revision was dubbed the DSi.  The downside was that the DSi would not feature a GBA slot, and any peripherals that would take advantage of it (including the required adapter for Guitar Hero: On Tour) would no longer be compatible.  This angered some of the DSi’s early adopters, as well as Nintendo loyalists planning to upgrade, but by this point Nintendo was no longer selling Game Boy Advance games, and most retailers were no longer stocking GBA games either.

With the release of the DSi came the end of the long reign of the Game Boy brand, one of the most successful hardware platforms of all time.  The DSi, like the DS Lite and Game Boy Color before it, once again shipped in multiple colors which offered players a small way to personalize their systems.  In Japan, the platform was a huge hit at launch, both from new customers and from already existing DS players who wanted to upgrade.  Nearly all of the launch units solid immediately.  When it finally launched in America, it shipped in two colors, a first for the region.

Reviews of the system were widely positive.  While the addition of the extra cameras wouldn’t win the DSi any major awards for great technical achievements, the DSi’s new online DSiware store alone made the upgrade worth the price.  While Nintendo chose to only release DSiware exclusive content and not full retail games through the service, the service was very successful and it gave Nintendo the opportunity to release new DSi content on a regular basis.  While the device only shipped with a finite amount of memory, Nintendo included an expansion slot for SD cards, which would allow users to hold more memory.  The downside was that the DSiware content was region locked, unlike retail DS game cards, and like the Wii, DSi purchases were locked to the individual handheld device.

Unfortunately, everything still wasn’t going well for the PSP.  By 2008, the UMD Video bubble had finally burst.  Far too wide a range of videos were getting released and the PSP’s market share was not large enough to buy all the titles that were being offered.  With Walmart having ended their support years earlier, the UMD Video market had started to stagnate.  On top of that, UMD was seeing a heavy competition on a medium without a physical format.  Apple’s iTunes store was offering digital downloads of movies ever since Apple released a color version of their highly successful iPod and with removable media overtaking the storage capacity of what could be held in a UMD, gamers decided that downloading multiple movies to a portable device instead of carrying around physical media was the better option.

Sony released one more incremental hardware revision to the PSP in the form of the PSP-3000.  By all intents and purposes, it was another PSP Slim, but it featured a slightly improved screen which lessened the ghosting images that many complained was a problem with the PSP-2000.  It was also compatible with nearly all of the PSP-2000’s peripherals, including the battery, Skype headset, and TV Out cables.

However, I would be remised to talk about the other big elephant that had entered the handheld space by this point, and that is the rise of the Smartphone and by 2009, both Sony and Nintendo had to sit back and take notice.  Smartphones had already hit the market with huge success, and it became clear very early that something like a brand-new iPhone could have just as much gaming capability as a portable game system could.  An iPhone user could wirelessly download anything they wanted to their phone in just a matter of minutes.  Previously, Sony had been one of the largest cell phone manufacturers in the world, and they saw this digital download craze as something they could bring to the Sony PSP in the form of an entirely new PSP hardware revision.  Would they succeed?  That’s a story for next time.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Opening Cinematic September 25, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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Once again, Kojima Team has released the opening cinematic for one of their highly anticipated upcoming games in the Metal Gear Solid series, Metal Gear Solid: Ground ZeroesGround Zeroes is intended to be a prequel to the events of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and there has been some dispute over whether or not Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain will be released wrapped in the same game package, or if they will be released separately.  This video’s title seems to resolve that dispute.  If you ask me, this looks more like it will serve as a prequel in the same way that Metal Gear Solid 2‘s Tanker mission was a prequel to the rest of the game which took place on the cleanup facility Big Shell.

What you are about to see is what looks to be a final version of the game’s opening.  I know that this footage was originally shown when Ground Zeroes was announced at PAX last year, but this video features the new English voice actors, as well as new credits listing the English cast of the game.  We already know that Kiefer Sutherland will be doing the voice of Snake in this game, but what I didn’t know is that the game will also include the voice work of legendary voice actors Robin Atkin Downes, Christopher Randolph and Tara Strong.  Even if you’ve already seen the original PAX announcement footage, the new English voice work makes this worth a second look.

Releasing the opening cinematic for a game early is nothing new for Kojima’s Team.  The first time I can remember them doing something like this was during Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty’s second major event showing.  Instead of releasing a trailer, they chose to release the opening cinematic of the game, which detailed Snake’s incredible stealth bungee jump off the George Washington Bridge.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is coming to PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Xbox One Preview September 24, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Site Videos.
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Maniac was in Boston this past weekend to demo the Xbox One two months early.  He got a chance to check out Killer Instinct and the new controller, as well as got some new technical details from the new Forza Motorsport game.

The Xbox One will launch November 22nd, 2013.

G4 Lives On September 23, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Game News.

A few years ago I chronicled what I considered to be the Fall of G4.  In the two-part story I detailed how a once great network had slowly lost its relevance after it saw a corporate merger.  At the end of the article I gave a piece of advice to the people who currently ran G4, specifically I stated that they should bring back all of their old shows or they might as well shut down.  Well, earlier this year, it seemed like G4 was going to take my advice, but not the bit that I wanted.  G4 announced they were shutting down in January 2013.  Low ratings coupled by a lack of decent original content, as well as apathy from the gamers they had alienated from the network years prior had made the network one of the lowest rated channels by most of the major TV providers.  Instead of focusing their energy on improving the station with decent gaming relevant content, G4 announced they were going to drop their content altogether and they were going to become the Esquire Network.

This was an exceptionally odd choice as it made absolutely no sense to completely change the focus of an entire network.  Where did they think their audience was going to come from?  This was an even worse decision than what Comcast had done to it years earlier when they merged G4 with Tech TV and canceled or recast most of their shows.  The remaining two shows that were being produced by G4, Attack of the Show and X-Play, were going to be cancelled, the entire staff would be let go, and the station would be completely replaced by a slew of new shows and syndicated content.  It would have been nice for all that effort to have gone into making G4 better, but that’s a discussion for another time.  The worst part was that G4 would not continue their live coverage of the major gaming events, so there would be no G4 coverage of E3 2013, an E3 where no less than two major consoles would be previewed.  Some of the major talent including Adam Sessler and Kevin Perrera jumped ship early, but others including Morgan Webb, Kristen Adams, and Candace Bailey stuck around to the end.

I have to admit, even as a person who has had their problems with G4 in the past, it was sad watching the station slowly wind down as the station’s shows lead up to their final episodes.  Over the past few years, G4 had produced some decent content, including their Top 100 Video Games special, they just weren’t showing it consistently on their station.  On top of that, I have to admit I loved seeing the Quantum Leap reruns every night.  G4 had been airing almost nothing but syndicated content of the last three months of their existence, including some really great final episodes of X-Play, on top of great Sci-Fi shows Heroes and Quantum Leap.  After Attack of the Show and X-Play aired their final episodes, it almost felt as if the station was caught in a perpetual loop, but it was a loop of some great content.  It felt like such a shame that the station’s best content would come out just as they were going to be ending.

However, the Esquire Network would be coming, and the station certainly wasn’t holding back on that.  The problem was that the Esquire Network sure was taking its sweet time launching.  The first bumpers I saw for the network included a launch date of April 2013, then that was pushed down to Summer 2013, until they finally they announced a solid launch date of September 23rd, 2013.   In the meantime, new content did eventually come to G4 this summer when the show American Ninja Warrior started their new season.  American Ninja Warrior looked like it was originally scheduled to air after the Esquire Network launch, as if you look closely on the backgrounds of the set you can see no mention of G4, but plenty of Esquire Network and NBC posters.  Likely the constant delays of the network’s launch prompted American Ninja Warror to air when the station was still G4 branded, however this wasn’t much of an issue since episodes from earlier seasons had aired on G4 in the past.  The upside was that the show’s most recent season was pretty good, and attracted quite a favorable response from people watching it.  Heck, I loved it.  I would watch it regularly with my girlfriend’s father, and he enjoyed it so much he wanted to compete in it for next season.

Well the Summer slowly ticked away and I knew the station would not remain for much longer.  My plan was to release the third part of my Fall of G4 series on the exact day that the station was finally shut down, closing the book on a once-great network which had been ruined by corporate muddling.  I had been preparing that final story since I heard the announcement of the Esquire transition, and it seemed like that transition was going to take place today.  However, as you can tell, that is not what happened.

There was some talk earlier in the month that the Hurst Corporation was noticing G4’s ratings this past summer as the station was airing rebroadcasts and new episodes of American Ninja Warrior, and decided that cancelling the station and changing it into something completely different was not the good idea they originally believed.  I remember reading this story after it was being scooped off the tabloids, and while I was hopeful that it was true, I was not going to believe it until I saw it for myself.  Well, I guess even I need to put my cynicism aside occasionally.

Today, if you turn on your TV and just happen to have a digital cable package, you’ll notice that G4’s station is still alive and well showing their usual syndicated content.  However, if you happen to be interested in the new shows the Esquire Network announced (and some of them did indeed look interesting), the Esquire Network did in fact launch today, just not on G4’s channel.  As originally reported in the tabloids, the Esquire Network is now on the channel previously called the Style Network.  If you ask me this is a much smarter decision as the Style Network was a completely redundant channel which only served rebroadcasts of the E! Network’s shows.

So, you’re probably asking yourself what is the point of keeping G4 alive after everything that had happened to it?  Well, I have to say that I am cautiously optimistic.  Obviously Hurst now knows the value of the G4 brand, and maybe they might know that it holds a place in the hearts of many gamers who watched their content many, many years ago, and still provided great live coverage of major gaming events.  Sure everyone is gone, but maybe this is a good chance for the network to start fresh with new people delivering new gaming related shows.  Even today, there isn’t really a network like G4.

You didn’t shut down, G4.  You made that decision and changed your mind about it.  Now I want you to take my other bit of advice and bring back your shows.  Do exactly what you did for the Esquire Network, create a whole new lineup of gaming related content.  If you need more time, show rebroadcasts of the years worth of great shows you produced.  I would love to see old episodes of Cheat!, Icons, or The Screen Savers.  Heck, you could probably reair shows like Game Makers and Portal and they would still be just as relevant as they were when they originally aired.  Heck, it would probably cost next to nothing to bring back Cinematech with new episodes.  Or if you want, do a new G4TV.com series where you broadcast discussions from knowledgeable gaming experts talking about the events of the day.

If you can bring in some great gaming shows, I can assure you when the new G4 launches, I will be there watching and I think there will be a lot of others who will as well.

Killer Instinct Xbox One Demo September 22, 2013

Posted by Maniac in Site Videos.
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Maniac and Princess Angel were in Boston this weekend for the Xbox One live demo event.  During the event, Maniac challenged Princess Angel to a Killer Instinct match and since Princess Angel has a lot of experience in fighting games, she accepted.  The following footage was shot by a Microsoft Store employee as we played on a modified Killer Instinct arcade machine powered by the Xbox One and used Xbox One Arcade Stick controllers.

More information from the event will be coming tomorrow.