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Bioshock Infinite Gameplay Teaser July 2, 2011

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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Irrational Games and Ken Levine have listened to the people who cried out to see Bioshock Infinite’s E3 presentation (which is something that I haven’t even seen, I didn’t even see a Bioshock theater and I was at the 2K Booth several times!)

Right now, you’ll have to make do with the first two minutes of the video with an introduction by Ken Levine.  They promise that the rest of the presentation will be shown uncut on GameTrailers TV (which airs on Thursday  at 1AM on Spike TV channel) and the rest of the video will be put online after it airs.

Arkham City Gameplay Video July 2, 2011

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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The guys at Rocksteady have seen fit to include a 12 minute gameplay video of Batman: Arkham City.  In it, you get a sense of what the game will play like, and you get to see a playble segment of the Catwoman in action.

Now I must stress that this video is NOT what I saw previewed at E3 last month.  In fact if memory serves I remember this scene has been shown to the press exclusively some time ago, as I have read previews which covered this part of the game.  The only difference being that the previews I read did not include Catwoman’s playable section which is at the beginning of the video.  Enjoy.

Batman: Arkham City is coming October, 2011 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.