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The Darkness II Confession Comic Review May 8, 2011

Posted by Maniac in Reviews, Site Videos.
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I’m not trying to tread on Linkara’s toes or anything, but I decided to do review of a comic book, and what better comic to review than one that was based on a video game series which in itself was based on comic book series.

The Darkness started out as a comic book property but became a successful video game with a sequel coming soon.  To bridge the gap between the two games 2K and Top Cow released a comic book free of charge to anyone who wants it, in order to spark interest in The Darkness II and fill people in on what the status quo is for the new game’s story.

What is Maniac’s comic book background?  Where did The Darkness and Top Cow come from?  What other books does Top Cow do?  Well Maniac talks about that all too.

Major RAGE News, Editor and Gameplay Footage May 8, 2011

Posted by Maniac in Game News.
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A lot of news on id Software’s RAGE has hit the web this week, as well as some brand new footage of the game.

Want to know how the game plays?  Well take a look at this impressive five minute gameplay video.

Next off, all of you dedicated modders out there are going to be very happy to hear that editing tools for RAGE will ship with the PC version of the game.  Like with Doom 3, the Editor will be accessible in the developer console, allowing you to create levels from scratch or modify existing ones.  You will even be able to modify audio files.

The problem is that this comprehensive tool will likely require a pretty high end PC to use to it’s fullest potential (likely higher than RAGE’s system requirements, which will probably require a powerful PC), and building a full level from scratch with the tools is going to take a lot of work.

As for multiplayer, well the game has a multiplayer component but it will not support a traditional deathmatch mode.

RAGE is coming September 13th, 2011 for the Xbox 360, PC and PS3 .