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Mind of Maniac (and Wife) – Should You Wear Vision Pro To a Wedding May 8, 2024

Posted by Maniac in Mind of Maniac, Site Videos.
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We have a special treat for you all today! In today’s video, Maniac is joined by his wife, Princess Angel, to provide two very important thoughts about a recent public event. Since Apple released Vision Pro earlier this year, the world has not made adjustments in polite society for how people should use a wearable computer in public! Recently, a groom was photographed wearing his Vision Pro during his wedding, and the event immediately became an overnight sensation.

However, the people attacking the groom for wearing a Vision Pro during his wedding clearly had no experience with the Vision Pro or how it functioned. Because of that, their attacks on his character were (at best) surface level on his appearance. That’s not a problem for this website, as we actually have a Vision Pro, and can provide a unique insight into the event based upon the public photos that were posted. Due to some very minor naughty words, we’ve restricted this video to 18+.

Ed. Note – All opinions and conclusions shared in the video are protected under the First Amendment.